Monday 4 July 2011

Ramadhan 1432 H.

Salam our brothers and sisters,

Ramandan is the month of Fasting for Muslims.  Muslims go without food and water from Dawn till sunset, the month of Ramadan has special significance in Islam as this was the month in which Quran was sent for mankind.

Ramadan 1432 H. is expected to start on either Sunday 31st of July or Monday 1st of August 2011 depending on the sighting of the new moon and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 30th of August (tentative dates). Dates will be confirmed when the new moon is actually sighted.

Marhaban Yaa syahru Ramadhan. Marhaban syahrul Maghfirah. Marhaban syahrul Quran. Marhaban Yaa Syahrul Ibadah. We apologise to everybody for any sins we may have committed. Happy Ramadhan 1432 H.

The Month of Ramadhan.

The month of Ramadhan is the most sacred month in Islamic calendar. In the same way that Allah elevated the status of the prophet over the rest of the creation and the status of the cities of Makkah and madinah over the rest of the cities, so also has the month of Ramadhan been elevated above the other months. 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said : " When the month of Ramadhan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of  Hell are closed and the devils are chained. " And he said: " Whoever fasts the month of Ramadhan having faith in Allah SWT and expecting reward from Allah, all his previous sin will be forgiven.".

Among the nights of Ramadhan is a particular night known as laylat al Qadr (the Night of Power). 
This night alone is better than thousand months.

Fasting (Sawn).

Fasting  or sawn  in  Islam signifies abstaining completely from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset.
The practice of fasting exists in all major religions, although the reason behind it will vary from religion to religions. Christians fast  to control desires, Buddhists fast as method of purification and Hindus fas to enhance concentration during spiritual exercises, While Islam recognizes that all these are indeed benefits of fasting. the Muslim fasts as an expression of his slavehood to Allah SWT.
Fasting is one of most ancient ways in which Allah his been worshiped.
" O believers, prescribed for you is the fast,  just as it was prescribed for those before you, that you my be Good conscious" (2:180)

The  God consciousness is what prevents the fasting Muslim from slaking his thirst and satisfying his hunger throughout the day, even though be may well be able to do so in secret. One's very hunger and thirst than become reminders of the presence of Allah SWT. Perhaps this is why Allah SWT says in a Hadisth Qudsi :
Allah says in the Qur'an :
Fasting is mine and it is I who give reward for it . The fast of the month of Ramadhan is an obligation for all believers over the age of puberty. This particular month is of special significance because this is when the Al-Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet  Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam. So the fast of Ramadhan is in part a celebritation of the Al-Qur'an itself.The fasting Muslim is required to avoid quarrels, vain talk or four words. The prophet (peace and upon him) said; "  Fasting is a shield. So when one of you is fasting, let him avoid obscene language and foolish behaviour. If someone slanders him or tries to quarrel, let him say, I am fasting.  "Fasting inspires sympathy for the poor and strengthens the bonds of brotherhood. Experiencing hunger and thirst first hand makes a person realize the plight of those who struggle to get enough food or survive.Muslims typically give a lot of charity during  this month. Also Muslims typically break the fast together; rich and poor, black and white, share food and water together at sunset.

When does Ramadan begin for 2011 ?

So Ramadan is upon us once again, less than a month to go! Each year we find a lot of websites declaring the start date for Ramadan based on calculations and estimates which they fail to declare. This leads people onto believe the start date of Ramadan has been set and decided upon when it's not the case. A lot of people are forgetting the tradition and sunnah taught by our prophet Muhammed.

Allah's Messenger said:

'Whenever you sight the new moon observe fast, and when you sight it break it and if the sky is cloudy for you, then observe fast for thirty days.'

Even if we do have an estimate for Ramadan we should still try and be sure of this.

Ramadan is expected to start on either Sunday 31st of July or Monday 1st of August 2011 depending on the sighting of the new moon and will continue for 30 days until Tuesday, the 30th of August (tentative dates). Dates will be confirmed when the new moon is actually sighted.

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, which consists of 12 months and lasts for about 354 days. The word “Ramadan” is derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, scorched ground and shortness of food and drink. It is considered to be the most holy and blessed month. Fighting is not allowed during this period.

The month of Ramadan traditionally begins with a new moon sighting, marking the start of the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Many Muslims (except children, the sick and the elderly) abstain from food, drink, and certain other activities during daylight hours in Ramadan. This is considered as the holiest season in the Islamic year and commemorates the time when the Qu’ran (Islamic holy book) is said to have been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. This occurred on Laylat Al-Qadr, one of the last 10 nights of the month.  Ramadan ends when the first crescent of the new moon is sighted again, marking the new lunar month’s start. Eid-al-Fitr is the Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.