Wednesday 11 July 2012


Salam Our Brothers and Sisters,
Could you please End your day with Alahmdulillah (Praise be to Allah).
A phrase that Muslims often use in conversation, especially when thanking to Allah SWT for blessings. It literally means "Praise be to Allah."
In Islam, Alhamdulillah is used in the following situations:
After eating and drinking; after burping; after sneezing; waking up (Alhamdulillah-hillathee ah-yana ba'da ma ama tana wa ilayhi nushoor. Many thanks to Allah SWT, Who has given us life after having given us death/sleep and that our final return/on the Day of Qiyaamah End of the world) is to Allah SWT; response to "How are You ?"
In general, every time a Muslim desires to praise Allah SWT, they say
Alhamdulillah (الحمد لله).
Narrated from A’ishah radi Allahu anha, “When the Prophet Muhammad SAW saw something that pleased him, he would say: Alhamdulillahil lathee bi ni’matihi tatimmus saalihaat, and when he saw something that displeased him, he would say: Alhamdulillah ‘alaa kuli haal. (Narrated in Sunah Ibn Maajah, classified as Saheeh according to Shaykh Albaani rahimahullah in Silsilatus Saheehah hadeeth 265)

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي بِنِعْمَتِهِ تَتِمُّ الصَّالِحَاتُ Alhamdulillahil lathee bi ni’matihi tatimmus saalihaat means: All praise and thanks are only for Allah, the One who, by His blessing and favor, perfected goodness/good works are accomplished.

الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ Alhamdulillah ‘alaa kuli haal means: All praise and thanks are only for Allah in all circumstances.

Let’s revive the sunnah of saying Alhamdulillah in all situations Insya Allah! :)

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