Friday 6 July 2012


Salam Our Brothers and Sisters. The following are some tips to help us prepare for Ramadan. 

1. Ask Allah for facilitation to benefit from the blessings of Ramadan daily, from now onward. 

2. Make a firm determination to abstain from all sins. Especially those committed by the eyes, ears and tongue. 

3. Try to free as much time as possible from work and other commitments for pure worship (ibadah).

4. Reschedule non essential appointments till after or before Ramadan. Finish with all Ramadan and Eid shopping prior to the sighting of the crescent. 

5. Make special effort to follow as many Sunnah as possible in daily activities. Learn these and memorize dua for particular occasions before hand. 

6. Review the essential fiqh relating to fasting, taraweeh and other Ramadan related issues. 7. Make a practical and doable time table for daily activities.The point to remember is that in Ramadan acts of primary form of worships (i.e. salah, dhikr, tilawat, etc.) are to be increased. These lead to an increasing direct relationship with Allah SWT.

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