Wednesday 11 July 2012


Salam Our Brothers and Sisters,
This is an announcement from the Emperor of Emperors the King of Kings and the One who is in supreme control of the universe/world. Our Emperor of Emperors the King of the Kings is Allah SWT.
All believers are invited to be the guests of Allah SWT during the month of Holy Ramadan. Allah SWT invites them to a divine feast and gives them glad tiding of blessings and forgiveness.
This invitation is to tell you, how much your Lord/ Allah SWT very loves you and wants you to be close to Allah SWT. Allah SWT has invited you to remember Him so Allah SWT may remember you.
To ask from Allah SWT so Allah SWT may grant you. Allah SWT wants you to rid yourself of the burden of sins so that you may be lighter when you return to Allah SWT. Allah SWT has prepared for you special gifts and rewards and stored for you precious robes. Allah SWT has asked you to seek Him so you can be from among Allah SWT friends.
Such a royal invitation must be accepted with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement. Preparations must be made to attend the royal feast in an appropriate manner. Please make haste as the opportunity for accepting the invitation will soon be over.
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) reports that Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW has said that Sha'ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of Allah SWT. Therefore, if anyone observers one day of fasting during Sha'ban, I will do his/her "Shafaat" on the day of judgment, and one who observers two days of fasting then his/her previous sins would be forgiven and if someone observers three days of fasting then it would be just like all the sins have been washed away.
Imam Ali Raza (as) has said that if someone observes fast during the last three days of Sha'ban and combines them with the fasting during the month of Ramadan then Allah SWT will grant the sawab (reward) of two months of continuous fasting to that person.
During Miraj (Night Ascension) the Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW asked: "O Allah, what is the gift of fasting?"
Allah SWT said: "Fasting leads to wisdom, enables you to understand my signs and ways that will elevate you to a stage of certitude. And when a person has reached the stage of certitude, he or she cares not whether the days pass in plenty or scarcity".
The Holy month of Ramadan is where Allah SWT is the HOST, we are Allah SWT GUESTS and the Holy Quran is Allah SWT BANQUET.
We pray to the Almighty Allah SWT to make us Allah SWT blessed guests and, in turn, we can gain the utmost from Allah SWT banquet, as the spiritual container, unlike the physical container, never gets full.
Well, maybe ten day left and Ramadan will start. The Holy Month of Ramadan, the blessing of the month Ramadan. I hope we will learn how to benefit by this priceless month and work right in it. I hope we will start the true jihad, "resisting the evils inside us". To struggling and fighting our bad whims and desires. Not only stop eating food or drink water, but also stop being evil and try to learn to be tolerant and sympathize with people. It's a great chance for us to starting over and open dialogues. It's a big chance to gain love and mercy and realize the real goals of Holy Ramadan. It's really so sad to see people thinking that Ramadan is the month of eating all kind of foods or wasting it watching endless series and shows. You should rise to the real level of Holy Ramadan. I wish you all the best during this Holy moth of Ramadan. May the blessings of the month shower over you and your family ! Amin Ya Robal Alamin. :)

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